Change Agents are not immune to the challenges inherent with change process
Change Agents are not immune to the challenges inherent with change process

The Change Agent is an expert of change. Yet, their knowledge does not immunize them against distress related to change. Change agents can increase their effectiveness with the assistance of a Change Coach .


Change is demanding. Change intimidates. It is a misconception that successful change agents independently conquer their fears to courageously face opposition and lead teams to glorious success. Change plays havoc on the agent’s emotions just like it does everyone else. It is normal for Change Agents to fear the process they embark upon. Change Agents are usually frightened that they won’t reach their goal. Ambivalence can follow change agents.

External pressures (social pressures, perceived rules, etc.) often riddle agents of change. Confusion from inner voices are all too frequent as well. Voices from frustration, resistance, or from fears, can create chronic ambivalence. This leads to anxiety, even depression. Tragically, change agents can feel stuck until they receive skilled support. The wise change agent accepts help from a circle of support.


The Change Coach is a secondary player who guides the process. Change Coaches are highly trained and skilled to create an atmosphere of compassion and acceptance. The coach empathizes and collaborates with the Change Agent to help them find their own solutions. She provides objectivity, clarification and suggests ways to redirect their energy.

Skillful self-management increases the change agent’s ability to impact circumstances. As the Change Agent’s pressures decrease, they are more able to access their motivation, to manage their internal states, to advocate, and influence. The relationship encourages the Change Agent’s natural inner resources, strengthens motivation and recommits. Building a plan for change becomes uncomplicated. The change agent rallies relationships to forward their action.

What stands between you and your motivation?
What goal waits for you to untangle your frustrations?
What resources wait dormant for you to employ toward your goal?
Do you have the skilled support you need? 

Most of us have two lives: the life we live, and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands Resistance.
~Steven Pressfield

We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.
~Maya Angelou